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Oklahoma Academy

Volume 23—1943

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PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS | Invited Addresses | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | Home
The Cavalcade of Botanists in Oklahoma
H. I. Featherly; 23 (1943); pp. 9- 13
INVITED ADDRESSES | President's Address | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | Home
Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2
Address of Welcome
Henry G. Bennett, President of Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Address: Report of Research Award Recipient for 1942
William H. Irwin, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Address: The Trends in Modern Chemistry
Samuel Gladstone, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
SECTION A, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2
An Ecological Study of toxoptera graminum in Payne County
F. A. Fenton, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 14- 20
The Effectiveness of Colchicine in Glycerine Base as Compared wit Colchicine in a Water Base in the INduction of Polyploidy in Vince rosea
O. J. Eigsti and Leona Schnell, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Self- Sterility in VInca rosea
Leona Schnell, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); p. 21
American Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus Raf.), One of Oklahoma's Rarest Tree Species
Elbert L. Little, Jr., U. S. Forest Service, Wadshington D. C.; 23 (1943); pp. 21- 23
Composition of Several Varieties of Peanut Plants and their Parts in Relation to Feeding Value and Oil Yield
Willis D. Gallup and Hi W. Staten, Oklahoma A. and M.College; 23 (1943); pp. 23- 27
Analysis of Fresh Excreta in the Determination of Apparent Digestibility Coefficients
Willis D. Gallup and C. S. Hobbs, Oklaoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 28- 29
Speciation in the Small- Fruited Walnuts of Oklahoma
Milton Hopkins, Univerity of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
New Plants for the Oklahoma Flora
Milton Hopkins, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 29- 30
Comparative Permeability of Living Cells to Cations and Anions
Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); p. 31
A Quantitative Method for Microinjecting Controlled Quantities of Aqueous Solutions into Living Cells
Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); pp. 31- 32
An Optical Torson Microlever for Measuring Cell Permeability
Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); pp. 32- 33
Amount of Feather on the Dometic Fowl, Gallus domesticus
R. George Jaap and K. B. Turner; Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 33- 34
Preliminary Rport on a Sudy of the Algae Found on the Campus of the Catholic College, Guthrie, Oklahoma
Sister Marian Maloney, Caholic College, Guthrie; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A Study of the Wing Structure Mechanism of Insects and Birds as a Safety Aid in Aeronautics
Merle M. Boyer, Enid High School; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Pollen Storage and Mitosis of the Generative Cell
O. J. Eigsti, University of Oklahoma, 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Amateurs and Scientific Experiments
O. J. Eigsti and Barbara Tenney, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 34- 36
Recent Developments in the Conrol of Water Itch
Donald B. McMulen, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Phylogeny of the Spadefoot Toads (Scaphiopus)
Arthur N. Bragg, Universiy of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
On the Economic Value of Oklahoma Toads
Arthur N. Bragg, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 37- 39
Common Names for Frogs and Toads in Oklahoma
Arthur N. Bragg, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 39- 40
Wildlife Occurrence and Habitat Conditions in Roger Mills and Custer Counties, Oklahoma
Ben Osborn and W. H. Kellog, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Glen Rose, Texas; 23 (1943); pp. 41- 46
The Occurrence of Black Grub in Certain Fishes of the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey Collection
Mildred Pool and Katherine Davis, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Spermatogenic Cycle in the Goat
Elmo Bonifield, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Origin of XY Chromosome Complex in the Goat
Elmo Bonifield, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A Study of the Retinae of Two North American Teleosts with Special Reference to Their Tapeta
George A. Moore, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Physiogenic Brooming in Chinese Elm
K. Starr Chester, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 46- 49
SECTION B, GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2
Oklahoma's First Scientist
Charles N. Gould; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Lateral Variation in Pennsylvania Sediments of Northeastern Oklahoma
Malcolm C. Oakes, Oklahoma Geological Survey; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Factors Affecting Soil Color (Progress Report)
Max J. Plice, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 49- 51
SECTION C, PHYSICAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2
Gasometric Studies of Carbohydrate Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide
Louis E. Diamond, Mark R. Everett, and Fay Sheppard, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 43 (1943); pp. 51- 52
Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Carbohydrates by Iron and Cooper Salts
Clifford F. Gastineau, Fay Sheppard, and Mark R. Everett; 43 (1943); pp. 53- 54
The Qualitative Separation of Copper from Cadmium in Alkaline solution by Alyminum
F. B. Moore, Phillips University, Enid; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Industrial Plant Biochemical Utilization of Oklahoma Flora
A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); pp. 54- 55
Yield of Gum from the Ornamental Russian Olive
A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A Brown Dye from Sassafras Root Bark
A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Hydroxilation of Aromatic Nitro Compounds by Alkalies
O. C. Dermer and L. J. Druker, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 55- 59
Derivatives for the Identifiacation of Nitroparaffins
O. C. Dermer and John W. Hutcheson, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 60- 63
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rayless Goldenrod (Aplopappus heterophyllus)
O. C. Dermer and Robert Cleverdon, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 63- 66
The Reaction of Alkoxide Ions with Carbon Dioxide
B. O. Heston, O.C. Dermer, and J. A. Woodside, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 67- 68
Analysis of Nitroparaffin Mixtures by Their Infrared Aborption Spectra
Don Smith and J. Reed Nielson, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Infrared Absorption Spectra of Pure Hydrocarbons
Elmer C. Miller and Annette E. Herald, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Raman and Infrared Absorption Spectra of Pure Hydrocarbons
Elmer C. Miller and Annette E. Herald, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
On Circles of Antisimilitude
N. A. Court, Unversity of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Analyses of the Waters of Oklahoma
Otto M. Smith, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Chemical Composition of Castor Bean Oil from Seed Grown in Oklahoma
J. E. Webster, H. Fellows, and H. F. Murphy, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; 23 (1943); pp. 69- 73
The Constitution of the Hydrogen Atom
I. M. Rulisen, Eugene, Oregon; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Sulfur Content of Oklahoma Rainfall
Horace J. Harper, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 73- 82
A Simple Method of calibrating Plates for Spectrographic Analysis
Edwin Fast, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Spectrographic and Polarographic Analysis of Industrial Dusts
R. C. Mcreynolds, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Significance of Dust Analysis for Industrial Hygiene
E. C. Warkentin, Oklahoma State Health Department; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
SECTION D, SOCIAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2
Homogeneity of Parental Traits and Size of Oklahoma Fram Families
William H. Sewell, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 83- 84
A Statistical Study of a Selected Group of Transferred College Students
Herbert Patterson, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A Suggested Plan of Organization for the Solution of Economic and Relief Problems
Paul V. Beck, Tulsa; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Preschool Education- a Problem of Distribution
Sophie R. A. Court, Norman; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A New Method of Analyzing the Age and Sex Composition of a Population
Leo A. Haak, University of Tulsa; 23 (1943); pp. 84- 86
Historical Sociology with Special Reference to Revolution and Class Behavior as Related to the Social Structure of Germany
William A. Kolb, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 86
Residential Stability in Selected Areas of Tulsa for Selected Years
John B. Holland, University of Tulsa; 23 (1943); pp. 87- 89
A Challenge to Political Sciences
William F. Whyte, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
The Gypsum Hills Escarpment as a Significant Geographic Boundary
Kenneth Bertrand, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Geographical Reconnaissance in the Matanuska Valley
Paul F. Martin, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
A New Type of Testing Question
Clarence M. Pruitt, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 89
The Present Practices of Adolescent Education for Retarded Children
J. J. Frisch, University of Tulsa; pp. 89- 90
Characteristics of Population Migrating Between Rural and Urban Communities
Robert McMillan, Oklahoma agricultural Experiment Station; 23 (1943); pp. 91- 92
A Preliminary Statistical Survey of the Relationship of Size of Home Community, High School Record, and Native Ability to Success in Several College Curricula
Schiller Scroggs, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings
Teaching of Graduate Courses to Undergraduate Students
Nicholas M. Oboukhoff, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 92